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Pieces of Attire

Дозвольте своєму вбранню жити так довго, як ваша уява.

Дозволяє цінувати час і мудрість тих, хто творить.

Дозвольте любові вирізати шматочки ваших спогадів про минуле та вставити їх у сьогодення.

Дозволь любити cебе і все навколо.

Одяг - це мистецтво

Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket
Nettles wool jacket, ramie wool jacket, Burberry wool
Oversize jacket with upcycling collar of Burberry wool
Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket £162.00
Attire 3. Viscose shirt
Viscose oversized  biege shirt with pocket.
Viscose oversized biege shirt with pocket.
Attire 3. Viscose shirt £92.00
Attire 4. Mesh long shirt
Mesh long shirt of cotton.
Mesh  transparent long shirt of cotton.
Attire 4. Mesh long shirt £92.00
Attire 5. Woolen jacket
woolen jacket with upcycled detail
woolen black suit
Attire 5. Woolen jacket £174.00
Одяг 6. Вовняна максі спідниця
woolen suit with skirt
woolen maxi skirt dark grey
Одяг 6. Вовняна максі спідниця £112.00
Attire 8. Woolen trousers
Attire 8. Woolen trousers
Attire 8. Woolen trousers
Attire 8. Woolen trousers £112.00
Attire 9. Upcycled T-shirt
Attire 9. Upcycled T-shirt
Attire 9. Upcycled T-shirt
Attire 9. Upcycled T-shirt £58.00
Attire 12. Woolen coat with upcycled collar
Woolen coat with upcycled collar
Woolen  oversized coat with upcycled collar
Attire 12. Woolen coat with upcycled collar £257.00
Attire 13. Wide woolen trousers
Woolen  palazzo trousers
Woolen wide palazzo trousers with pockets.
Attire 13. Wide woolen trousers £112.00
Attire 14. Nettle T-shirt
Nettles oversized T-shirts
Nettles oversized T-shirts
Attire 14. Nettle T-shirt £50.00
Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket
Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket
Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket
Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket £166.00£207.00
Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket
Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket
Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket
Attire 1.Ramie & woolen jacket £58.00£125.00